Donate to BNC4FREE

Ever since our service first started, we have attempted to provide our Free IRC Bouncers to users world-wide. There have been many difficult times where the service has struggled and been unable to accept new users due to the lack of resources. This service is currently funded entirely by the current staff of BNC4FREE of whom are spending their own hard earned and personal money on this project.

If you are generally interested in bnc4free as an outside organization or individual or have used/currently use the service and appreciate all the hard work we do, you are more than welcome to donate in order to help us keep going.

Every donation counts towards making our service better and maintaining it as best as possible. Any donations we receive are used to fund Additional IP Addresses, new servers or our domains to ensure that service can be continued and improved. In order to donate to us, use the button below and specify an amount of your choice.