Server Updates

Hello! We have some exciting news that there will a new bouncer update rolled out within the next few days. This update fixes a couple of critical bugs, adds a few new features/modules and adds translations for modules and messages that were lacking translation before. The fixes and updates in this upgrade are as follows:

  • New Authentication Module (SASL/CertFP/NickServ and server passwords). This will enable fallback options, for example is SASL fails, it will try CertFP and if CertFP fails it will try NickServ as a last resort. This also allows for those who need a bouncer to a network that requires a password to set a password for connecting.
  • New Web Interface for the Log Module. This will allow you view logs (up to 100MB in size) from within the web admin and download log files that are stored by the log module.
  • Update & Fix Translations for Away Module
  • Add Translations for the main page (displayed after login) and translate error messages on other pages
  • API: Numerous fixes to JSON formatting and structure
  • Improvements to abuse prevention measures
  • Improvements to staff/audit logging
  • Fix for DenyModNetwork feature
  • Fix for DenySetIdent feature added in previous update

Unfortunately this will mean a brief downtime of each of our bouncer servers for around 5-20 minutes while the server is reconfigured and upgraded. Final fixes and testing of the new upgrade will be carried out tomorrow (10th January 2021) with the intention to upgrade Pear server almost immediately once the upgrade is ready to be rolled out. Apple server will be upgraded a short while after Pear’s upgrade. More specific information on the estimated time/date of both upgrades will be posted on Facebook, Twitter and in a Reddit Post.

In the last week we have been working on updating/upgrading our services bot on IRC and parts of the website. This work will continue into next week to provide more features such as ability to reset passwords, delete your own networks and add other IRC servers from the same network into your server list (useful for networks like EFnet that have regular splits/downtime).

That’s all for now but we’ll provide you with more updates in the near future!