Hi, Hello and Welcome!

BNC4FREE is returning and here is everything you need to know!

Key Facts

– BNC4FREE is returning!
– We’re still going to be offering bouncers completely free of charge
– We’re in the process of getting things setup which includes a new version of our bouncer software
– We estimate that we will be up, running and ready to take requests from Early to Mid April
– All updates on our progress will be posted on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure you follow us!

Who are we?

BNC4FREE is a non-profit organization that specializes in providing Free IRC Bouncers. IRC Bouncers are used to connect to Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks primarily but can be configured so that you stay online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and also log messages that were said while you were away.

Our objective is to be able to provide IRC Bouncers to nearly every Internet Relay Chat Network in the world completely free of charge while ensuring that our services are as stable and secure as possible unlike some of the other unstable and insecure providers out there.

Why are we returning?

BNC4FREE was originally terminated due to lack of funds and time from our former members of staff. Based on recent insights from social media which we think are due to Coronavirus and a majority of the world isolating and the increasing need for people to socialise virtually, we endeavour to re launch this service. We feel that our service can benefit many of those users whether they just need a client to stay online 24 hours a day to secure a channel or whether they want to keep up to date on messages while they are sleeping or away.

Our objective is to be able to provide IRC Bouncers to nearly every Internet Relay Chat Network in the world completely free of charge and add a vast range of features to make it completely secure and adaptable to the needs of the individual user. We aim to do this by introducing customised webpanels, a variety of custom modules and customizations within the software itself.

Will there be any changes?

Ofcourse, in the time that BNC4FREE has been closed, IRC has moved on and so has the software we base our bouncers on. One change that we are implementing is the use of IRCv3 which enables extensible features that are both useful to us and useful to the users. You’ll also be pleased to know that from the moment we re-launch, we will be supporting multiple networks per user. Our primary aim at the moment given the worlds situation is to keep people connected.

When will you return?

We aim to start taking requests again by Early to Middle of April 2020 by email. This will be solely run by me (the founder) initially. Should there be a need for more staff, this will be advertised on Facebook and Twitter. The Official launch/opening date will be posted on all social media platforms and this website will be updated accordingly.